
Saturday, October 07, 2006

Class of 1966 40th Reunion

Hello Trojans of 1966,

It's been 2001 since we have all been together, but the wait for the next event is over and the planning has begun for our next class reunion.

We will be having our 40 year class reunion in 2006, and your reunion committee is already hard at work planning and preparing for an event you won't want to miss.

So, mark this date and plan on joining us. We are hoping to make it a "reunion weekend" with multiple events, but what we already have on the calendar is our Saturday night dinner/dance. This will be held on Saturday, October 7, 2006 at Kellogg West, which is a part of Cal Poly Pomona.

As soon as our weekend is finalized, we will be mailing out a reunion packet. Please make sure we have your postal mailing address. Don't assume we do... If you haven't gotten anything from me in the mail in the past six months, insure that we have your proper address by dropping me a post card or letter with that information. Please send it to: Larry Lear, P O Box 1802, West Covina, CA 91793-1802.

Your reunion committee is making every effort to make the reunion weekend affordable and memorable. We need you there, to make it our best class reunion ever!

Contact Larry if you have questions. Spread the word--but above all make sure we have your mailing address, and plan to join us and rediscover that it is great to be a Trojan!